UDC 621.436
Plavnik P.G. Lerman E.Yu.

Russian High-Speed Diesel Engines Today and Tomorrow // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 37.
Keywords: High-speed marine diesel engines, performance, layout, domestic-make components, R&D coordination. New generation of high-speed marine diesel engine is presented. A basic model of a new engine family is described, including general layout, principal features and specifications. Furthermore, proposals are set forth for coordination of projects covered by Federal Target-Oriented Program concerning domestic manufacturing of engine components.
2 table, 2 ill., 6 ref.


UDC 621.436
Novikov L.A.

New High-Speed Marine Diesel Engine: Modeling of Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Performance for Various Configurations // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 814.
Keywords: marine diesel engines, fuel supply system, common rail, split supercharge system, Miller cycle, combustion simulation. The results are presented of combustion numerical simulation for V-12 marine diesel engine rated at 1650 kW @ 2250 RPM, with particular stress on NOx performance. The engine (in several alternative configurations) is demonstrated as capable of meeting IMO Tier-2 specification for NOx emission, fuel consumption not exceeding 195 g/kWh. Further improvement (to IMO Tier-3 level) can be achieved through use of an exhaust aftertreatment system.
- table, 16 ill., 1 ref.



UDC 621.785
Tsyplemkin G.E., Kozhenkov A.A., Iovlev V.I., Sukharev A.N. Potanin V.A.

Designing Turbocharger Wheels for JSC PENZDIESELMASH engines // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 1523.
Keywords: turbochargers, 3-D modeling, performance optimization, compressor reaction wheel, axial turbine with packet-type shroud. 3-D simulation was employed to design wheels for new turbocharger (boost rate 3.8) to feature type 6CHN26,5/31 diesel engine rated at 1500 kW manufactured by JSC PENZDIESELMASH. 3-D simulation contributed into optimization of compressor reaction wheel and axial turbine with packet-type shroud.
- table, 13 ill., 4 ref.


UDC 621.43
Lashko V.A. Passar A.V.

Turbocharger Turbine Blading Section: Design Concepts // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 2427.
Keywords: axial turbine, nozzle block, design methods. Suitable design concepts for turbocharger turbine blading section are discussed. Proposed concepts proved instrumental at turbocharger designing and tuning, both in-factory and on-site.
- table, 3 ill., 18 ref.


UDC 662.997
Alekhin S.A., Bychkov V.Z., Vakulenko V.V., Gritsiuk A.V., Klimenko N.V., Nesterenko S.V. Scherbanenko G.V.

IXOL Multifunctional Additive for Coolants Used in Heat Exchangers // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 2829.
Keywords: internal combustion engines, high-temperature cooling systems, coolant, corrosion inhibitor. The additive in question named IXOL acts as a rust preventer and inhibits salt sedimentation. The additive is compatible with ethylene glycol-based antifreezes and natural water regardless of its hardness. The additive passed appropriate tests and was certified for high-temperature cooling systems.
3 table, 5 ill., - ref.



UDC 621.431
Obozov A.A. Tarichko V.I.

Diagnostics in Diesel Engines: Methods and Systems // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 3034.
Keywords: internal combustion engines, technical diagnostics, development of methods and algorithms, onboard systems. Methods and systems of technical diagnostics in diesel engines are discussed. Test and functional diagnostic methods are closely examined. Diagnostic algorithms are described for stationary, combined and onboard diagnostic systems.
- table, - ill., 9 ref.



UDC 656.13(1-21):621.43.06:504.3.064.36:338.14
Lozhkina O.V., Marchenko V.S., Novikov V.R. Lozhkin V.N.

Evaluation of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Passenger Cars // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 3541.
Keywords: car engines, NOx generation, NOx transformation in atmosphere, field tests, correction of emission calculation methods. The article considers mechanism of NOx generation in combustion chambers of automotive engines, mechanisms of NOx transformation in atmosphere, and its negative effects on human health and environment. Furthermore, test results are presented of car engine NO emission performance vs. car speed for a variety of car (environmental) classes. Recommendations are offered for the improvement of emission evaluation methods as far as traffic streams are concerned.
4 table, 3 ill., 25 ref.



UDC 621.431
Danilov A.M. Shevchenko E.B.

Diesel Fuel To Be Produced in Compliance with Customs Union's Regulations // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 4244.
Keywords: technical regulation, motor fuel quality, additives for low-sulfur fuels, rape methyl ether. The article discusses motor fuel specifications set by Technical Regulation (TR) effective as of 31.12.2012. Said TR apply to motor fuels admitted to the market of Customs Union's participants. Possible ways of attaining Technical Regulation's specifications are considered, including use of various additives, such as antiwear, antistatic, depressing/dispergating etc. Furthermore, rape methyl ether is shown as an additive capable to improve quality of low-sulfur fuel (biodiesel).
2 table, 4 ill., - ref.



UDC 621.436
Melnik G.V.

Technologies and Equipment to Reduce Noxious Emissions from Engines (as Presented in Dedicated Periodicals) // Dvigatelestroyeniye. 2012. 4. P. 4553.
Keywords: diesel engines, emissions reduction technologies, aftertreatment, exhaust measurement, fuel cells, field experience. The review covers recent issues of dedicated international magazines, such as Diesel Progress International and Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide, as far as clean air problems are concerned. Emission control methods are considered. Test results are described of marine propulsion system rated at 330 kW powered with fuel cells.
- table, 8 ill., - ref.


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